Jekyll Volcanized

 · 9 mins read

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Jekyll Volcanized πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Great, another Jekyll one-page solarized theme, why should I use it?

Well, I will tell you why you might like it

Table of contents

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

Solarized color palette

Like I said before, this theme uses all colors from the very popular Solarized color scheme made by Ethan Schoonover. The colors are designed to reduce eye strain, especially with the dark theme I went for.

The colors are also very customizable and you can switch off the palette entirely, as the /_data/colors.yml file works as a mainframe to adjust the colors of the entire website easily, without having to rummage through the CSS.

Organized layout

Being a one-paged Jekyll theme, I made it as modularized as possible while still maintaining efficiency. All the sections are in separate files which can be included and interchanged in the only index.html file.


Many common libraries are already included and installed in both the head.html and footer_includes.html file for the CSS and JavaScript respectively.

The theme is also purposely left empty so that it can be modified and changed to your will.

The _data folder

The _data folder includes many options that can be customized.

The cards.yml file

The cards.yml file is probably the most robust tool of the _data folder. It allows for easy additions to the portfolio.html and modal.html sections.

cards The cards.yml has 3 basic options(you can add more of course) for the card cover and modal.

config The normal, or card section, has:

  1. The name of the card, which appears in the cover.
  2. The img, which is the path to the image you want as the cover.
  3. The desc which is the description that shows on the cover of the card.

The modal section has:

  1. The title option which is the title of the modal.
  2. The body which is the body of the Modal
  3. And the id which is the ID of the modal that the card refers to. Make sure this is unique!


The colors.yml file

  • This one is pretty self-explanatory, it has an option to change the 10 base colors used and referenced by the CSS file.


The pages.yml file


This is where your navigation bar and section order comes in. Enter your page sections in the corresponding order you want them to appear in.

Simply move around the entries in the order you want them to appear in! The order of the pages will change the order of the sections on the page as well as the order of the pages on the navbar. Scrollspy, smooth scrolling, and directed scrolling are automatically adjusted based on the order of the pages in these files.

pages demonstration

The social.yml file


This file is pretty self-explanatory as well. Enter the name of the icon according to Font Awesome and the corresponding URL. These icons are set to be in the footer, but you can put them wherever since they are stored in the icons.html file.

Gem based theme

*The gem theme is now DEPRECATED. Clone the files or use the template instead.

If you are using a gem based theme, do NOT make your changes or create a _data folder. Instead, make a YAML array of the values with the name of the _data files, such as:

  - name: "Example Card 1"
    img: "/assets/img/laptop.svg"
    desc: "Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content"
      title: "Modal portfolio 1"
      body: "Modal body text goes here."
      id: portfolio-1

  - name: "Example Card 2"
    img: "/assets/img/laptop.svg"
    desc: "Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content"
      title: "Modal portfolio 2"
      body: "Modal body text goes here."
      id: portfolio-2

  - name: "Example Card 3"
    img: "/assets/img/laptop.svg"
    desc: "Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content"
      title: "Modal portfolio 3"
      body: "Modal body text goes here."
      id: portfolio-3

# Colors.yml
# Use these prebuilt options instead of seraching through the css to change the colors.
# I used the solarized colors

  main-text: "839496"
  secondary-text: "b58900"
  tertiary-text: "6c71c4"
  important-text: "268bd2"

  main-background: "002a36"
  secondary-background: "073642"
  tertiary-background: "002b36"

  main-header: "cb4b16"
  secondary-header: "859900"
  nav-header: "2aa198"

# Pages.yml

# Add your pages here!
# I have to use pagez because site.pages is already a thing.
  - name: Home
    href: home
    file: "home.html"

  - name: About
    href: about
    file: "about.html"

  - name: Portfolio
    href: portfolio
    file: "portfolio.html"

  - name: Experience
    href: experience
    file: "experience.html"

# Social.yml
  - name: facebook

  - name: instagram

  - name: google

  - name: github

  - name: twitter

Note that you cannot name the pages.yml equivalent pages in the _config.yml file because site.pages is predefined already.

Completely responsive

Through media queries and bootstrap, the website was built with responsiveness in mind from the ground up. The website is mobile-first which will increase SEO as well as general usability.

Jekyll sitemap and SEO

The website is already configured to use both Jekyll sitemap(which can be found at /sitemap.xml) and use Jekyll SEO.

Installation and usage

You can use both cloning and ruby gems to use this theme. I personally think cloning is easier because I enjoy working with the source files, but don’t worry if you like gem themes better! There is still full functionality in gem themes.



git clone

To clone the repository and make your changes.

Gem theme

In your _config.yml file, add the line

theme: jekyll-volcanized

Also add both the jekyll-seo-tag and jekyll-sitemap plugin

  - jekyll-feed
  - jekyll-seo-tag
  - jekyll-sitemap

and in your Gemfile add the lines

gem "jekyll-volcanized"
gem "jekyll-seo-tag"
gem "jekyll-sitemap"

And your done! Don’t forget to run bundle install to install the neccessary gems.

The configuration is a bit different for gem themes, which you can find Here


The theme is licensed under MIT licensing which means anyone is free to use this theme for any reason, including commercially, without needing to credit me; however, as stated in the licensing, I am not responsibly or liable for anything involving my software. Read the license for more information

Check the original out on GitHub

Readme Card